Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Get Your Glow On: A Glow in the Dark Birthday Party

Ya'll, my little guy is now four-years-old. Four!! Where over almost 1,500 days went, I have no idea. Can someone please stop time before I have a heart attack?! 

For Kyler's fourth birthday party, he was insistent early on that he wanted a "Glow in the Dark Sword" theme. I have no idea where he came up with such an idea, but I did my best to roll with it. And thanks to the amazing help of my little sister, we were able to pull off some great ideas and ended up with a super-fun glow-themed party. I'm excited to share the party with you today!


There were three main areas that we focused on for the party: a dessert table, a blacked-out basement, and a glowing garage. We used hundreds of glow sticks and LED finger lights, plus lots of black table clothes and black fabric to accomplish as much of a glow effect as possible. 
Fair warning: I purchased just about every glow-in-the-dark product available on Amazon, and found that only about half of them lived up to their name. From my experience, I wouldn't bother with glow-in-the-dark spray paint, glow-in-the-dark bouncy balls or glow-in-the-dark face paint. We were extremely disappointed with all three. Thankfully, we had dozens of LED finger lights and lots of Silly Spray, which were by far the best purchases I made! 

Kyler loves swords, but a blacked-out basement filled with a dozen or so toddlers all carrying swords seemed like a terrible idea. Or maybe I was just being paranoid? Anyway, to incorporate his wish for swords, we compromised on making sword sugar cookies that could be "stabbed" into tubs of icing. Kyler was happy and nobody lost an eye. Phew!

To the dessert table, we also added my personal party staple: lots of cupcakes with cute toppers & wraps. And for added color and fun, I made rainbow jello cups and green Rice Krispy pops

My best tips for a glow party: Lots of LED finger lights and splurge on high quality glow bracelets/sticks. Then turn the music up & enjoy! (feel free to message me if you have any questions)
Big THANK YOU'S to Kyler's Uncle TJ for photographing the party & to Kyler's Aunt Chelle for being the creative brain & hands behind most of what you see!

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  1. this is such a fun theme!! it's super cute too!

    1. Thanks! I was stumped at first by his request, but we were able to pull some cute ideas off in the end!!

    2. What type of spray paint did you use to glow?

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